“The journey to financial freedom starts the MINUTE you decide you were destined for prosperity, not scarcity- for abundance, not lack. Isn’t there a part of you that has always known that? Can you see yourself living a bounteous life- a life of more than enough? It only takes one minute to decide. Decide now.” – Mark Victor Hansen






What is Vargo Links?

Vargo Links is a website dedicated towards providing links to friends and family. Currently the main focus is providing a link to Amazon for affiliate credit as well as provide legitimate apps that offer cash back and are worthwhile. While we attempt to expand our horizons, feel free to request apps/ companies for us to work with. 

The goal is to have an automated system that can provide up to 50% of cash back on day to day purchases by the end of 2022. Feel free to join the efforts, or just utilize the links provided.