
“the process of laying out money now to receive more money in the future.” – Warren Buffett

M1 Finance offers 100% free trading, allowing users to save on traditional broker commissions. With more than $1 billion in assets undermanagement, M1 Finance has been establishing itself as a major player in the investing app community.

The brokerage firm allows you to open a variety of investment accounts, includingIndividual, Joint, IRA’s, and Trust accounts. In addition, the company has recently beenexpanding into a range of useful financial services such as M1 Spend and M1 Borrow whichmake the app more than just a brokerage firm.

As the leading mainstream cryptocurrency exchange in the United States, Coinbase has become a standard on-ramp for new crypto investors. Coinbase offers a wide variety of products including cryptocurrency investing, an advanced trading platform, custodial accounts for institutions, a wallet for retail investors, and its own U.S. dollar stable-coin.


R​obinhood offers commission-free stock, ETF and options trades.With more than 13 million users, Robinhood is one of the most popularinvesting apps in the United States.

Top Features:

  • $0 commission on trades
  • No Account Minimum
  • Ease of Use

As a market leader, Robinhood continues to release new & updated features on aregular basis.